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How to do a good job in applying for registration in enterprises that comprehensively approve and issue pollutant discharge permits

2021-04-16 14:01:51

Do a good job in the battle of pollution prevention and control

  The Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the people's Republic of China issued the Circular on cleaning up and rectification of pollution discharge permits from fixed pollution sources and Registration of pollution discharge permits in 2020 (Environmental Assessment letter (2019) No. 939). It is required to issue a notice of rectification within a time limit for pollutant discharge to illegal pollutant discharge units.


(screenshot source: Ministry of Ecological Environment of the people's Republic of China)

  In the meantime, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Ecological Environment has organized the Guangdong Environmental Science Research Institute, Guangdong Environmental Engineering Vocational College, and Guangdong Environmental Technology Center to compile the "sewage permits 100 questions and answers" to introduce relevant knowledge from four aspects: policy, directory, technical specifications and platform operation. to help you understand the relevant policies, regulations and technical specification requirements of the national pollution discharge permit system, and do a good job in applying for registration.


        What impact and problems will this work actively deployed by the state have on the pollutant discharge enterprises? 

Here are a few key points for you.

  01 The management of pollutant discharge of enterprises will be more comprehensive.


        Since 2017, the provincial party committee and provincial government have attached great importance to it and made every effort to implement the pollution discharge permit system. 33 key industries and more than 13000 pollution discharge permits have been issued, and preliminary results have been achieved in the reform of pollution discharge permits. 

However, there is still a large gap between the number of licenses issued and the number of enterprises listed in our province. A number of enterprises with imperfect pollution control facilities and non-implementation of environmental protection responsibilities are still dissociated from environmental supervision, which brings about the unfairness of environmental supervision and greatly reduces the efficiency of management.


        Through the clean-up and rectification of fixed pollution sources and the comprehensive issuance of pollution discharge permits, it is necessary to ensure that all the pollutant discharge units covered in the catalogue of classified Management of pollution discharge permits for fixed pollution sources (2019 Edition) are included in the scope of environmental management. it is the inherent requirement of reforming the ecological environment supervision system to implement the main responsibility of enterprise environmental protection, effectively control pollutant discharge, continuously improve the ability and level of environmental treatment, and speed up the improvement of ecological environment quality. 

It is also an important part of the battle for pollution prevention and control.

  02 What does the sewage discharge permit include? 

  The sewage discharge permit consists of an original and a copy. The original contains basic information, and the copy includes basic information, registered items, licensing items, undertaking, etc.


        (1) basic information includes the name, address, legal representative or principal responsible person of the pollutant discharge unit, technical responsible person, address of the place of production and business operation, industry category, social unified credit code, term of validity of the pollutant discharge permit, license issuing authority, license issuing date, certificate number, QR code, etc. 

        (2) the registered items include: main production facilities, product capacity, raw and auxiliary materials; production and discharge links, pollution prevention and control facilities; opinions on examination and approval of environmental impact assessment, total emission control indicators of key pollutants, etc. 

        (3) the permitted items include: the number and location of sewage outlets, discharge mode, discharge direction, the number and location of atmospheric unorganized emission sources, the types of pollutants discharged, allowable emission concentrations and emissions, and environmental management requirements, it mainly includes the requirements for the operation and maintenance of pollution prevention and control facilities, unorganized emission control and self-monitoring, accounting records, implementation reports and information disclosure, etc.


       03 how long is the sewage discharge permit valid

        The first sewage discharge permit is valid for three years, and the renewal permit is valid for five years. The pollutant discharge permit shall take effect from the date on which the permit decision is made.

        04 different time limit requirements for different industries


        According to the Circular of Guangdong Provincial Department of Ecological Environment on the full implementation of the registration of pollution discharge permits in 2020 (Yuehuan (2020) No. 2).

        Existing pollutant discharge units belonging to the 33 industries in which sewage discharge permits should be issued in 2017-2019 must apply for and obtain pollution discharge permits or complete discharge registration before April 30, 2020.


        In addition to the above, existing pollutant discharge units in 91 industries included in the classified Management list of permits for fixed pollution sources (2019 Edition) should apply for and obtain a sewage discharge permit or complete the discharge registration before September 30, 2020. The newly-built pollutant discharge unit shall apply for a pollutant discharge permit or carry out pollutant discharge registration before starting the production facilities or before the actual pollutant discharge.

        05 clarify the scope of pollution discharge permit management

       At present, the classified Management list of permits for fixed pollution sources (2019 version) is implemented (hereinafter referred to as the 2019 version of the list).

         Pollutant discharge permit management can be divided into three categories: key management, simplified management and registration management. Among them, the pollutant discharge units that are included in the key management and simplified management shall apply for pollutant discharge permits on time in accordance with the law; the pollutant discharge units that are included in the registration management shall carry out pollutant discharge registration on time.

        According to the factors such as the amount of pollutants produced by the pollutant discharge units, the discharge amount, and the degree of impact on the environment, the 2019 edition directory has set up three management categories: key management of pollutant discharge permits, simplified management and registration management. 

        The basis of different management classification is defined for 107 industry categories (49 major categories, 212 middle categories, 706 sub-categories) and 4 general processes, including whether they belong to key pollutant discharge units, enterprise products and production capacity, production process types, types or usage of raw and auxiliary materials, whether sewage discharge outlets are set up, whether general processes are involved, and so on.

        Category 108 in the 2019 Edition list refers to industries other than 1107. it involves a general process or one of the six conditions stipulated in Article 7, which is included in the management of pollutant discharge permits. If it is not involved, it is an unregulated industry.


  06 Rongda Jikang reminds all pollutant discharge enterprises

  The application for pollutant discharge permits and the registration of pollutant discharge should be done in a timely manner, the state supervision should be coordinated, and the environmental quality should be greatly improved.

  The implementation of the application and registration of pollutant discharge permits means that with the management of relevant departments in place, the "pollutant discharge cost" of mud-producing enterprises needs to be reduced, and drying reduction is the first choice.


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  (source of QR code above: Guangdong Society of Environmental Sciences)


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